

What is a Liquid?

A liquid is a state of matter which can change its shape according to the enviroment, its mass, and volume are spread throughout. Serving to be one of the four fundamental states of matter. Molecules are not as tightly packed and temperature is circulated throughout the element, it isnt as compressed and molecules move around more freely.

Stock image of scientists working in a lab with lab coats on.

How can a Liquid change?

Since a liquid is at a state which is more loose. This means molecules will freely move around until they are given enough energy to become a gas or have enough energy taken away to solidify. Because of this, It is suspectible to transitioning into a different phase.

When put in a room with a higher temperature than the element's vaporization point, the molecules begin to accelerate and circulate throughout, meaning that small amounts of gas are emitted from the liquid as it vaporizes.

When put in a room with a colder temperature than the element's freezing point, the molecules begin to deaccelerate and compress, meaning that small clumps of solids form as the liquid slowly circulates the temperature.