Our Mission

Our Mission

"Transitioning One Phase at a Time."

Stock image of scientists working in a lab with lab coats on.

DoP's Mission

At the Department of Phases, its very important to acknowledge the possibilities that could happen in any situation when it comes to handling with the elements of Earth. As matter tends to shift between several states which affects how they are molecularly structured. Meaning that it can split or it could potentially grow depending on the given situation.

We will be explaining each and one of these phases on our website across different webpages, as our focus to help spread the scientific evidence and facts to have a more technologically advanced society in the future, as education and widespread knowledge across people is a essential element to building societies health systems and many other tools in our lives.


There are only proven to be 4 phases as of 2025 March.
1. Solids
2. Liquids
3. Gasses
4. Plasma

We wouldnt be possible without you nor our department. Thank you for your time.